Saturday, December 23, 2006

Big Bear Welcomed us with beautiful white snow :)
BUT I have to brag- I LEARNED TO SNOWBOARD TODAY - WOHOO TO MEEEEEE. You have no idea how frustrated I was at first. I almost started crying because I just fell and fell and fell and fell even more... Yes , 2 first hours I spent falling. lol... But second 2 hours was the best time I have had in a long time... I learned it, I fell once or twice, ut OMG, I CAN DO IT. :):):):) Tomorrow (24th) I am going to spend 2 more hours snowboarding and then I have to cook christmas dinner. :):)

OK. BTW. Gariel and regina spent 6 hours in snowboarding camp also and Gabriel also loves snowboarding. Regina thinks it is not her thing( just like her dad ) ;)

Happy holidays to you :)


Lennuk said...

How was your dinner!?
Wohoo for snowboarding!
I just got back from Pershing Square open ice rink. Got good feeling of Christmas...
Seems like you are the only one experiencing white Christmas...

Queen D said...

lol. We had awsome dinner- black pudding, sourkraut, roasted pork with horseradish sauce, potatoe, turnip, carrot casserole, "Kypsise" tort,potato salad, vodka, glogg, wine, macaroni and rice for kids and lots of presents....

I wanted to have quiet ,secluded Christmas, But with limited internet connection and no Cellphone reception OUR christmas is REALLY quiet.. lol I hope my family and friends in Estonia forgive me not calling and emailing them yesterday, because it is just not possible...

mutukas said...

Sul oli tõesline eestipärane jõuluõhtusöök! Kas Nick sööb verivorsti?:)

Queen D said...

Soob kyll - Madaroika ja tabascoga... irv. Nickile meeldib eesti joulutoit, ja yldiselt talle meeldib eesti toit. Mida ta aga ei kannata on Praetud liha ( kamaraga ) irv...