Monday, April 30, 2007


Pean veel lisaks juurde mainima et, toidu korvale pakkusin vahevalt 5 erinevat teed- Jasmiini, roosioie, piparmyndi, oolong, ja valge jasmiini tee. KUigi kodus on mul hetkel yle 15 erineva tee variandi, ei suutnud ma maitsmiseks rohkem valmistada. J Lisan veel paal pilti..

To those who have no idea what I am talking about- I hosted a From Europe to Asia party. I filled room with tables and chairs, ( to resemble busy Chinese restaurant) , got food tea, snacks an Hot Pot party was ready to start. We also played few games, had quizzes, etc. It was tons of funJ

Sunday, April 29, 2007

From Europe to Asia..

Apologies to my English only language Readers. Today I will give you an update in Estonian. J
Otsustasin et see blogi sissekanne tuleb hoopis Eesti keeles, ja hasti paljude kirjavigadega… mul hakkab lahku kokku kirjutamine meelest ara minema.. Taitsa lopp, peaks sygisest Eesti koolis kaima hakkama, ja oma emakeelt uuesti oppima hakkama..

Aga nyyd asja juurde..Idee tekkis juba vaga ammu,kuid julgusest jai puudu. Kunagi Leila mainis et peaks mingi Aasia yrituse tegema kah. Ja ma muudkui haudusin seda motet ja mida rohkem ma motlesin, seda rohkem see idée mulle meeldis. JNo nii, ettevalmistused yrituseks algasid kuu tagasi- Saatsin kutsed valja… Ja siis tuli paanka hoog, paanikahoo jarel.. MIs ma nyyd edasi teen, mis syya, juua.. Ja siis loi pea kohal lamp sarama … DING… Miks mitte kasutada Sizhuani toitu.. Ainus probleem selle juures oli see, et Mu abikaasa kodulinnas syyakse higisama panevalt vyrtsikat toitu, mis enamuse Eestlaste ohtusoogi repertuaari ei kuulu. Nii jooksingi kohe poodi ja uurisin kohe sealselt 99 ranchi poe rahvalt jargi et mis oleks hea asendus Sichuani vyrtsidele. KOigepealt hakati kova haalega naerma, , kuid kui naeruga pidama saadi oeldi et koik kolbab… Nii ma ostsingi siis koik oma lemmiks kasted ja maitseained et need kuidagi mahedamaks muuta. Arvan et onnestus.

Eile ohtul siis kogunes minu kodukesse 18 eestlannat ( parandage kui vale number). JA koik ilusasti Aasia paraselt ennast yles ehtinud- kes hiina riietuses, jaapani detailidega, kes rohkem Jaapaniparaselt hiina touchinga, ja kes hoopis super mix koikidest aasia kultuuridest . Hasti lahe!!!
Toiduks valmistasin Sichuani Hot Poti- yhesonaga s.t. et ostsid hasti peenikeseks viilutatud lihad, juurviljad, seened, leht rohelised, tofu, idud,, ja mis koik veel ( aitahh, kes snacke ja muud vaja minevat toid ). Ning, koik selle panime lauale, Laua keskel oli mini gaasipliit podiseva maitsestatud veega , ning sinna hakkas rahvas siis vaikselt oma toitu tippima. Nalja kui palju… Hasti huvitav oli jalgida kuidas koik endale kasteid valmistasid – valikuvoimalus oli vahemalt 20 erinevat kasted ja lasin koikidel oma kasted valmis meisterdada et hiljem ei saaks kriitika osaliseks ( tark tegu , onju ).. Samuti koostasin Aasia parase viktoriini, koik pidasid notsu pildi joonistama , kuna on sea aasta, ja iga yks pidi kirjutama fortune cookie onne, ja siis panime koik onned urni, ning hiljem rahvas tombas endale homes onne….
Magustoiduks pakkusin 10 treasure rice dessert, ja erinevaid snacke, jaatiseid. \
Olin jooksus alates kella 8 hommikul, ja magama sain kell 2 oosel… Mulle nii meeldib selline jooksmine, ja toimetamine, ja ettekandmine, ja et keegi mind kamadaks, et ma tahan nyyd seda, ja too mulle seda ja kus see on…ihih….
Aitahh teile koikidele .JA aitahh vaga hea kingi eest Kallis Eesti rahvas J
Aru, kui vasinud ma olin, sain alles hommikul. Kui kell 8 yles arkasin selg kuidagi valutas, ja ploomi veinist oli pohmakas ka veel… Kuid see ei peatanud mind ette ovotmas jargmist reisu……

Pakkisime asjad ja lapsed autosse, ning asusime Big Beari poole teele Kevadet otsima… taitsa big bear lake juurde ei joudnud, kuid kaisime ara San Bernardino national forrest – Laste metsaradadel jalutamas… Nii lahe oli. Gabriel oli taielikult hasardis- Mesilased lendasid ja sumisesid ta kuulatas, sisalikud jooksid mooda, ta viskas kohuli ja uuris. Ta peatus iga teadete tahvli juures ja luges ara mis tema ees seisis ja siis uudistas suurte syytute pruunide silmadega, et kuidas ikka ja mis .. Nii armas… Reginal oli aga igav.. Ta muudkui haigutas ja uuris et millal me siis nyyd koju laheme – Nick , mis Nick. Haha… Tore parastlouna oli.. Peaks ka selle ara mainima et soime oma lounasoogi auto pagasiruumis istudes, ime et auto esiots ohku ei tousnud- Rasvane cheese, mushroom pizza, buffalo wings ja meie kogu kaal 390 lbs oleks pidanud ju sellele kaasa aitama. JJJ

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Earth day

Happy earth day… or what’s left of it?? What are you doing to keep this planet going?
I have to be honest here… I am not really good recycler .. If I remember I do it, but it is way to complicated- which plastic is ok, what kind of paper is fine, glass… I was just watching oprah, and I learned that pizza boxes are not recyclable , because something has been in it… ( greasy food, I can see earth gaining few lbs). BUT , I am trying to cut down using paper plates, and cups and napkins. I also use earth friendly cleaning products. Right now seventh generation. I have not switched out all my products yet, but most of them… I started doing this few months ago, because I started having horrible headaches after I cleaned my house.. I also had to give up using strong perfumes, again, because of headaches. I do use once in a while, but not as often I used to… I know that is also earth friendly. BUT I will not trade in my SUV. If president Bush starts driving around in Hybrid Limos ( not sure if they exist), then I will downgrade… lol but until then, I’ll pollute environment … just a little….


Today I went to Lowes and brought 60 dollars worth of plants. Flowers energize me.. They dye on my, but they make me feel good.. While doing some planting, I discovered that I have some major leaking going on somewhere under my house… Top soil looks fine , but then I started digging deeper and dirty secret of my gardens bottom soil came out… IT WAS SOAKED, ugly , clay like , yuck… I guess I have to contact somebody- landscaper possible to check out issues… Hate when things go the way I do not want them to go…

AND one more issue.. our plumbing is really messed up.. Seems like pressure issues. I flush, there is dripping going on everywhere. It annoys me, but scares also.. I am afraid one of these days one of main pipes will burst and overfloat our house. . Seriously – what materials were used to build this fuckin’ house??? Floam and some craft store pipes??

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Soovitan Soojalt.

The Namesake.
Yesterday YMCA had half nighter and I used this opportunity to unwind. I dropped kids into local Y and headed to movies. My mission- The Namesake. It was about Indian Immigrants and their kids who were born in USA and all the drama that surrounded them

Even though I am not Indian, while watching this movie I could find myself thinking- OMG, this is movie about my life. I moved away from Estonia when I was young, I gave birth in US, I was exited, confused, lost… and now when I am older I want to go back and join my Estonian family…

I recommend this movie to all of you. I cried , I laughed and I drooled over that dude who plaid main part- Gogol (Kal Penn) . He is Yummy !!!! Go see it J

Life is good, Nick is coming home next week JJJ

Monday, April 16, 2007


( disclaimer—this is not a scam, just my view how things really are….

Let me introduce myself. My name is Diana TanSaare and I am president of foreign ministry BANK of California. I just want to let you know, if you send me 4000 dollars, I will give you about billion back( NEVER).. And I will give you this money, because president of other bank died and Now I have all this money to share with you . My dear stupid people ( but hey, all you dumbasses, just sent in those 4000 dollar checks.( or every other check amount that is less than 10 000 dollars… I do not want you to pay taxes that much….

Now let me let you know how things will work here. First you send money, then I tell you I want to marry you, then you have to show up at the airport wearing white dress, and then I will now show up…… YOU will feel mad and violated. You think that I am worst person ever…… But then suddenly I call you and tell you this bullshit story about me falling in airport because I was so madly inlove with you and that love made me blind… You forgive me, because that is your nature, to forgive sick people who are inlove. And I have to tell you that YOU have to send me more money,because I am still in hospital and here NIGERIA , they do not let you out before all bills are paid.. boohoo. And you send more, and I brake more bones…… and then we all end up in 20/20 or in dateline…

( You got the pic).. I am sorry to offend you people, BUT WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU MOTHERFUCKERS??? HOW CAN YOU BELIVE SUCH A BULLSHIT SCAM??? I do not feel sorry for any of you , and why should I … ( harsh , huh). How desperate are you people to get rich , to believe some weird emails that sound fishy from FIRST sentence .. If you do not know the recipient, just DELITE IT
Dancing with the Stars… DID YOU SEE HEATHER DANCE. OMG.. Yes, she fell in the end, but over all…WOW. That girl can dance.. I am so proud of her. J

Nothing else much to Report… Oh, I do .. NICK IS COMING HOME NEXT WEEK. WOHOOOO

Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Bad news about My bellydancing recital on Thursday….
I can’t dance. LLL I did not mention it on diary, but I fell at the airport and kind of hurt my butt and hip.. I can work out , run, but I can’t move my hips the way I have to, so there you go .: (LLL: I CAN”T DANCE. But I am going to support my dancing buddies anyway. JJJ

Saturday, April 07, 2007

Friday, April 06, 2007

Ask Diana..

Leila asked while ago what I think about Chinese medicine… She started reading a book about it ,and now things that she learns about start making sense ( Don’t ask me what she is reading about) ;)…I have no idea. I just give my opinion..

I am ALL for all kinds of MEDICINE, ONLY if you are 100% committed to it and follow through. If you read a book about it, and think that I should starting to take ginseng but same time you will keep living your regular lifestyle- It will not make sense to me. But if you start taking “traditional” medicine, slowly work changing you thinking, replacing or eliminating people in your life who are negative, practice special workout sessions, work with your ying yang… ,… I say YES, YES, YES, you are on right track… BUT you are the one who has to work out system that works for you. Books can say million things, - do this, or that, or sleep on this side and don’t sleep on that… YOU have to know why you can only sleep on that side, and drink that drink … and eat as much as you eat ….
You have to work out your system….
BTW Leila, are you reading about traditional or western Chinese medicine?

Tuesday, April 03, 2007

I have something to say… I have something to say… I have something to say..
I LOVE television. If I could, I’d watch it 24/7. Well, maybe 12/7, and rest of 12 hours I’d sit in Edwards and watch movies.

Luckily this year we got digital TV and I can record all my favorite shows and later fast forward boring parts… blah blah blah…
Here is list of shows I watch….
Dancing with the stars
Americas Next top Model --- MY FAVE SHOW.
Pussycat Doll search--- Pretty entertaining… seems like most of hose girls have no brains, just lots of raw diva material…
CSI( NY, MIAMI and just CSI.
Crossing Jordan.
American Idol- this year it is pointless, since all those wannabes are just plain boring… Saija boy is pretty interesting and cute …. For a gay… hahahaj
Bachelor- first impression- he got looks but he is so dang boring… he makes me yawn… Why can’t bachelor dudes choose some rich guys with good sense of humor, who can make jokes and girls just laugh because they think joke was funny, but really, joke was on them HAHAHAH
National geographic channel almost everything in there is interesting… Love it.
L word- lesbian thing. I love it, but I do not get what the hype is all about… Everybody is talking about it. I watched it and yes, it is interesting, but since I am open minded and read few lesbian books ( you know, I thought I am one, still in closet,,,, maybe I am… still… in closet ;) )) I find nothing shocking about this show, but I do recommend it to you. It is good show ( couple of actresses should get a boot thought. They suck, I’d do much better job acting…
Deal or now deal… people are money hungry and that makes me laugh….
The view- I LOVE ROSY
Ellen DeGeneres- I LOVE HER TOOOO.. I love her sense of humor
Desperate Housewifes
Grays Anatomy- My fave medical drama… If I had a chance to be part of this show, I’d do it for free ( at least at first… lol)
Law and Order, SVU ( special victims Unit)…
There are few more shows, but I can’t remember their names…. Oh DR 90210, Workout, Real HouseWifes of Orange county-

So there you go.. These are my shows.. I also read he is my hero. And Prescribe to Peoples Magazine… I waste my talent sitting home. I’d rather sit in somewhere in Hollywood ( like around Ivy restaurant ) lol and write down every single step Lohan Bitch takes….

Monday, April 02, 2007

Anything goes

Ok guys…. Get your busy fingers typing and reply to this blog. The thing is … I need ideas what to write about. YOU ask, I answer . ANYTHING GOES. I am not shy so GIvE me some good topics and be ready for some answers, because I know in most cases you will disagree with me ( I do not like when people agree with me, I just feel like they are trying to kiss my ass….. ;) )

Give me some headlines…..

Dancing with the Stars...

I am watchin Dancing with the starts Right now.
I am clued to screen… BUT only when Heather Mills or Joey ( from NSync) comes on. Heather just inspires me so much. I do not care what was going on between her and Paul, but OMG. That Girl can dance. SHE CAN DANCE WITH ONE LEG ( other is prosthetic, and has almost no movement at all… All I have to say is WOW. Keep up great work Heather.