Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Not to worry. :)

Happy thanksgiving to you all. Thank you so much guys for being there for me when I needed you most. Thank you for your kind words and support , Thank you for understanding my weird European accent, thank you for reading my blog and thank you for being part of my life. :):):):)

I have some good news for you - first- Regina is doing great . I got a email from her doctor and he said , that most likely changes in her MRI I due to Radiation therapy... So Thanksgiving will be happy after all. But we still have to go back to memphis in January 9th. Who wants to join me ???

AND I AM BACK FROM VEGAS>> Yeah baby.... But details later. I am so tired and I have to clean up my house and do prep work for tomorrows thanksgiving...


Kathy said...

BTW, I'm always learning creative new ways to use the English language when I read what you write.

Today I learned from you about muffin tops.

Four muffin tops, yuck.

Queen D said...

lol @ you.. You crack me up....