Sunday, September 11, 2005

credit card fraud

I got my credit card bill today. Nothing unusual about that, we get it monthly. ;lol But what was unusually weird was one statement- Natural beauty, Memphis Tn, - 104.28. It was chardged on 28th of August( I was nowhere near to memphis). When my dh called credit company , he was told that it was phoned in order. Not from me, I have no Idea what is natural beauty, and I have no Idea what it sells. So after little chit chat with Chase- they will remove that 104.28 from our card, cancer our old card and issue us new cards. Freeky, huh? SO all of you out there check your monthly bills carefully- we have auto payments set up, but after this we cancelled auto pay. i think if my bill was more that 400 dollars I would not have noticed it, but since I knew that I have not shopped much during that past month something just smelled stinky.

So people, fess up? Who used my creditcard number to purchase some "NAtural beauty???


Lennuk said...

We have had some ugly stuff too.
Couple of years ago sombody purchased from Stapels for about $1400. It took place in New Jersey.
We did not need to pay for it!
There was anothe wierd charge on our credit card about year ago. Got that removed too...
I try to pay with credit cards instead of bank card. If somebody will fraud my credit card - I think it is easyer to deal with credit than cash!
I use online banking (Bank of America) and happy with it. Don't get paper bills any more. Happy about that.

Queen D said...

THAT is a huge sum of money. This credit card talk reminds me those funny commercials( I think Capital one ones).