Monday, April 06, 2009

You know what is sad? My PMS 24/7 is not all that anymore. OH, there are things that get me ANGRY and boiling and smokin' but i take gazillion breaths in and blow them out and i am almost ok . ALMOST.. But one thing that still bugs me.. I still don't know who I really am. I have been doing some soul searching. I know what I like, I know what I hate. I know what turns me on and fires me up. BUT who is real Diana anyway? There are so many ME's IN ME, that time to time i find myself wondering- what the fuck is wrong with me?


Maarika said...

see pilt meenutab mulle filmi ring, või reede 13....
tegelt oled sa kõikse parem arusaajam tüüp, aus veel pealekauba... see et vahel viskab ära või ei saa üleüldse asjadest aru, see kõik käib asja juurde.

Anonymous said...


What happened to your "Life As It is" blog? I have been trying to access it, but have not been able to since earlier today! I recently found your site through another blog, and I am trying to catch up with you and your lovely family's story!
