Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Cancer sucks...

I am sorry, dear friends that I have left this very important blog kind of hanging ....
The truth is, I have lots to write about, but since C A N C E R is very touchy subject, I will not touch it... All I can say.. cancer sucks. PEDIATRIC cancer sucks. What would you do if doctors tell you- your daughter/son has only about 2 months to live? ANd they pretty much tell you to give up hope... There is nothing much you can do??? Would you give up because you want to listen to doctors??

NO NO NO.. If there was rehab for losers , somebody would make huge amounts of money by now...

We are not giving up. We are doing EVERYTHING we can Before we give up. And I hope we never have to give up. We found doctor in CHLA who is filling to but Regina on high ( very intensive chemo). If tumors start shrinking, she will be hit with even higher doses of chemo than first round. Downside is-- chemo might be too strong for her and she may pass away during her treatments... But if tumors start shrinking then WOHOOOOOOOOHOOOOHOOOOO. But if we do not try- will we ever find out... so why not!!! We have to try .
Also, We have started her on some very expensive Chinese natural meds ( mushroom) , It is about 60 year old mushroom and Lb pricee is 600 dollars. It should be enought tea for 13 weeks.. Hopefully it also helps...

And yesterday I was introduced to hyperbaric oxygen therapy. That benefit her while her immune system has failed... You know, there is so much out here , and I am learning more and more every day. As stupid it sounds, I am amazed what we can do with natural medications to our daughter, but again. We have to combine it with contemporary meds for maximum effects.

Then on thursday Regina will meed traditional Chinese medicine doctor and she will make personalized plan for her. :) Very very cool!!!

There is HOPE. We are not giving up, and nether should you...


Anonymous said...

I have a practice of daily morning prayer. I just want you to know that Regina is prayed for by name every morning.

God bless you and your family.

Anonymous said...

Hi Diana,

Again thank you for the updates. As you make difficult choices know that your friends stand with you. I admire your strength. Please let me know if you need company in LA, I am always happy to come visit you. My prayers are with you and your family, my friend.

Queen D said...

Hi Guys:) Julee.thank you. I am not "friends" kind of person right now. I feel bad because I can not give back the way I want. I appreciate your friendship and miss our once in a while long walks. In hospital I have been eating Late night snacks and they pile up on my hips. LIKE always.

Katrina- thank you !